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The VEX Arena Mobile allows you to bring our award-winning attraction directly to your customers. This system has all the same features that the VEX Arena provides but in a new format facilitating safe transport, easy setup, and quick operation.

A Different Package Containing All of the Same Loved Features !

The VEX Arena mobile might look different from the outside but our durable flight cases contain all the same components which made it a success for location-based entertainment centers around the world.

Easily interact with the included touchscreen to launch your experiences, keep your system fully charged with our integrated charging stations, and let spectators enjoy the games with the big TV included. You, of course, get access to the complete VEX Arena catalog for competitive and cooperative play.

The VEX Arena mobile comes in flight case to insure the safety of the hardware during travel

Offer the Best Experience Wherever youre Customers Need You To Be

Get access to new businesses you couldn’t reach before by simply transporting your arena to their location. Companies around the world are slowly easing their covid restrictions, with it comes the need to unwind and find new team building activities. Be ready to provide the only fully-featured hyper-reality attraction on-site!

The scalability of the VEX Arena stays the same on the go, letting from 4 up to 10 players enjoy the plethora of experiences at the same time. This gives you the opportunity to cater to birthday parties, trade shows, temporary events, and big company team-buildings all with the same portable package.

Get the best experience on the move with the VEX Arena Mobile attraction

VEX Esports League on the Road

The VEX esports system comes with every VEX attraction and this stays true for the VEX Arena Mobile. Your customers can register themselves and get a personalized experience while playing as well as a recap of the play session afterward. You get their contact details and information to keep in touch with them. This is all automated and gives you the ability to target your customers more easily for your future marketing campaigns.

More importantly, all your players have a chance to win VEX-sponsored prizes if they participate in a VEX contest. You can also decide to create a contest for specific events with big prizes at the end. Transport your very own esports arena where the competition needs to happen and give your customers the opportunity to monitor their score from home via your website.

VEX Esports is available on the move thanks to VEX Arena Mobile
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Interested in taking hyper reality where it’s never been?
Learn more about the VEX Arena Mobile and get in touch with our team for more information

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